Uncommon Craft Reactive Outdoor Campaign for Quaker UK

Quaker UK and Uncommon have released a hard-hitting print & outdoor executions, featuring a real class of schoolchildren — shot with a thermal effect to illustrate the statistic that 1 in 4 children could go hungry this winter.

Uncommon Creative Studio
4 min readMar 12, 2024
Share the Warmth

The colder it gets, the more important a warm, wholesome, nutritious breakfast becomes[1][2]. However, many people lack access to a warm breakfast — studies from the Food Foundation and charity Magic Breakfast — show that 1 in 4 children are at risk of food insecurity in the UK [3].

Share the Warmth

To raise awareness of this problem, Quaker UK and Uncommon have released a hard-hitting print & outdoor execution, featuring a real class of schoolchildren — shot with a thermal effect to illustrate the statistic that 1 in 4 children could go hungry this winter.

Share the Warmth

Quaker’s mission is to make a warm breakfast more accessible to those who need it most, when they need it most. To provide a warming breakfast to the children most in need, Quaker will be donating up to three million warm breakfasts to support families through an on-pack promotion in collaboration with charities FareShare and Magic Breakfast.

Share the Warmth

Quaker has gone further to make a warm breakfast accessible to all — especially in the coldest days when we need it most. The brand will also be offering shoppers dynamic coupons to redeem against its products which will see the value change depending on the temperature outside. The colder it gets, the more shoppers save.

Share the Warmth

This came to life through a suite of social and dynamic OOH which showcased the live temperature in the area as well as a link to the coupons. As well as a first-ever special build OOH activation which scanned and displayed the thermal images of passers-by; then offering them a link to the dynamic coupon.


Project title: Share the Warmth
Client: Quaker UK
Creative studio: Uncommon
Media agency: OMD, Grand Visual, Talon, Field Day, Umbrella

[1] “Situations that increase energy expenditure, such as exercise and exposure to cold, stimulate appetite and cause an enhanced energy intake.” Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Military Nutrition Research; Marriott BM, Carlson SJ, editors. Nutritional Needs In Cold And In High Altitude Environments: National Academies Press (US); 1996. 12, Cold Exposure, Appetite, and Energy Balance. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK232851/

[2] “How cold temperatures trigger the brain to boost appetite” “Mammals automatically burn more energy to maintain normal body temperature when exposed to cold. This cold-activated increase in energy expenditure triggers an increase in appetite and feeding, “

[3] One in four household with children (25.8%) have experienced food insecurity in the past month affecting an estimated 4 million children in the UK Food Foundation

Quaker Share the Warmth On-Pack T&Cs

For each promotional pack sold up to a maximum of 3 million packs, Quaker will donate 1 bowl of porridge to either one of Magic Breakfast (up to a maximum of 250,000 bowls) or FareShare (up to a maximum 2,750,000 bowls). Each bowl for Magic Breakfast is equivalent to 1 x 27g serving of Quaker Oat So Simple (RRP of £2.75 per box of 10 sachets) and each bowl donated to FareShare is equivalent to 1 x 40g serving of Quaker Rolled Oats (RRP of £1.95 per box for 1kg). Magic Breakfast — Registered charity number 1102510 in England & Wales and SC048202 in Scotland. FareShare — Registered charity number 1100051 in England.

Quaker Temperature Price Drop Coupon T&Cs

*UK, 18+. 05/02/24 to 04/03/24 inclusive. No purchase necessary. Smartphone and internet access required. Enter via socials or scan QR code, enter your details, choose a preferred store from the list and submit to reveal your money off voucher (subject to availability). Rewards: 65,000 vouchers for up to £1.00, £1.10 or £1.20 off a pack of Quaker Oats. Value dependent on average UK temperature each day, as determined by the forecast on the prior business day. Redeem between 05/02/24–18/03/24 at your selected store (excludes petrol stations and online). Once voucher activated, claimant will have 30 minutes to use voucher. Max. 1 voucher per person. Max 1 entry per person. Entries exceeding the maximum will be void. Visit quaker.co.uk/winterwarmthvoucher for full terms & conditions. Promoter: Walkers Snacks Limited, 450 South Oak Way, Green Park, Reading, RG2 6UW.



Uncommon Creative Studio

Uncommon is a global creative studio based in New York, London & Stockholm building brands that people in the real world actually wish existed.